ГрафиКон 2002

Опубликовано Voxel в Пнд, 11/08/2010 - 13:52

The Conference will be hosted by Nizhny Novgorod State University (NNSU) in association with Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (NNSUACE), Moscow State University. The Conference will be held in close cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH, IEEE Computer Society, EUROGRAPHICS Association.
The Conference is supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises. For the last few years Intel Corporation has provided sponsorship and organization assistance.
Craphicon is the largest International Conference on Computer Graphics in Russia and Commonwealth Independent States. The core components of the Conference include the scientific program, courses and panels. In addition to the scientific program, a training program for students, postgraduates, university teachers, and other industry specialists is held.

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